Welcome to KEBA

P40 & P40 Pro
Join KEBA!
Hi! I am loxmate.

KEBA has been developing and producing pioneering automation solutions for a wide range of industries under the maxim "Automation by innovation" for more than 50 years.

KEBA is an internationally active technology company with headquarters in Linz/Austria, 28 subsidiaries in 16 countries and more than 2,000 passionate employees.

With long-term customer benefits in mind, flexible and expert teams work in close proximity to the customers in order to optimally support and advise them.

We are all united by a common mission:

"Technologies of KEBA help people to make the world of life and work easier."

With the aim of being "easy to use", KEBA solutions are always oriented to the needs of the user and thereby create the optimum connection to technical problem solving. In addition to use value alone, easy access and convenience in usage are also becoming increasingly important factors.

Careers with KEBA

Our employees are the engine for our innovative strength.

Your key motivation to work for KEBA is to be part of an atmosphere that accepts new products and promotes and requires ideas. You could even say that creativity is in the air here.

Are you interested in working for us? Detailed information on available positions and what we offer our employees can be found under Career.

News & Events, Notifications

We always keep you up to date. News from our business units, general communications from KEBA AG, and current events – all here at a glance!


Penetration in North China

KEBA China has a new branch site in Jinan that’s been in operation for some time now. As the brand awareness of KeMotion began to accumulate, some robots manufacture in north China chose us as the solution supplier. Jilin Universal Machinery Co., Ltd was one of them. (Hereinafter referred to as JT)


Annual Press Conference 2014/2015

KEBA maintains its successful growth - Increased sales revenues through internationalization


Austrian Post installs its 100th KEBA pick-up station

Another page is added to a logistics success story.

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.